Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

What is PRF?
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is derived from your own whole blood sample to regenerate your skin for use in facial rejuvenation and hair restoration. At Mirabile M.D. MedCosmetic, we offer both PRF Liquid and PRF Gel.
PRF Liquid
A small sample of your blood is collected and then spun in order to separate and isolate your own regenerative cells. The top layer (approximately 10% of tube) is composed of your very own platelets and white blood cells — the ultimate regenerative concentrate. This blood concentrate is then used for under eye skin improvement and hair restoration. Because this process does not require the use of any additive or anti-coagulant, it’s an excellent natural treatment option for anti-aging and regeneration.
Patients should expect a series of three treatments with four to six weeks between each treatment. For hair restoration, full benefits are to be expected 12 months following the initial treatment.

PRF Gel is a natural, regenerative and volumizing filler that we harvest from your body’s own albumin and platelet rich fibrin from a simple blood draw. This blood-derived gel has a similar consistency as dermal filler and provides powerful skin regeneration and natural volume-boosting.
PRF Gel creates collagen production, restores volume loss, and rejuvenates the skin. The most common areas treated with PRF gel include under eyes, marionette lines, neck, cheeks, temples, brows, and nasolabial folds.
The number of treatments you need depends on your skin concerns and goals, but most patients need 2 treatments spaced 6-8 weeks apart. For best results, we sometimes recommend maintenance treatments every 6–9 months.