SottoPelle ® Therapy

What is SottoPelle Therapy?
SottoPelle Therapy is a unique hormone replacement method that delivers the right kind of hormone (biologically identical), in the right amounts (based on testing and proper analysis of the results). SottoPelle is a pellet therapy method that helps women and men naturally restore hormone levels.
SottoPelle History
The use of pellet therapy has been documented and researched in medical journals and used in Europe since the 30’s. SottoPelle founder, the late Gino Tutera, MD, FACOG, is recognized worldwide as a pioneer and leader in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Before his death in 2015, Dr. Tutera practiced medicine for over thirty years and specialized in natural hormone therapy. After recognizing the potential benefits of hormone replacement therapy for both men and women, he performed his own research, testing and analysis in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. The result was the development of SottoPelle, his own proprietary, pellet-based individualized bio-identical hormone delivery system now utilized by physicians throughout the United States and around the world.

SottoPelle Difference
Since 1992, SottoPelle Therapy has helped thousands of men and women achieve the natural, healthy balance of hormones their bodies need to maintain optimum well-being. Pellet therapy allows for a steady, low dose of natural hormone which flows directly into the blood stream whenever the body needs it. With a dedication and focus on finding the best hormone therapy for his patients, James Mirabile, M.D., FACOG researched pellet therapy methods extensively and determined that SottoPelle offered patients the safest, most effective results. After providing SottoPelle to Mirabile M.D. patients, he was honored to have been invited to serve as the SottoPelle National Medical Director. In that role he advised other physicians across the country on the safe use of SottoPelle therapy.
Our office uses SottoPelle therapy as our exclusive hormone therapy method for men struggling with the symptoms of andropause or low testosterone. SottoPelle therapy is one of several hormone replacement therapy methods we offer for women who are peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopause.
SottoPelle Features
• The only method that allows the body to control the release of hormones – raising levels when more hormone is needed and decreasing it when requiring less.
• Delivers a very low dose of hormones continuously, 24/7.
• Releases hormones directly into the bloodstream, thereby passing the gastrointestinal system and liver.
• Consistently proven more effective than oral, injected, or topical methods with regard to sexual function, mood and cognitive function, metabolic function, bone density, urinary and vaginal problems, lipid profiles, breast health and hormone ratios.
• Decades of positive research show bio identical hormone pellets to be safe and the most effective hormone delivery method available when properly administered. In fact, hormone pellets are the only form of hormone therapy to closely mimic what the human ovary and testicle do.
Our pellets are compounded according to the highest industry standards, using the best quality botanical ingredients available. Pellets are specifically formulated to replicate human hormones. No horse urine or fillers like synthetic hormones of the past. Just pure, biologically identical hormones — plain and simple.
What to Expect
Each hormone pellet is slipped painlessly under the skin, typically in the hip. A mild, local anesthetic is used and the procedure is very quick. Once the pellet is inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormone flows directly into the blood stream whenever your body needs it. When the body is in need of estrogen or testosterone, these tiny implants placed under the skin consistently release small physiologic doses of hormones providing optimal therapy. For decades, these positive research studies have been reported in respected medical journals around the world.
On average, men will need re-insertion in six months and women will need re-insertion in three to four months.